Wednesday, February 07, 2007

C is for Celeriac

We have moved on and Celeriac beckons. Our opening gambit was very easy but largely because I discovered a strangely-enticing internet site called videojug which offered me a step by step video to make Celeriac puree. A calm, hypnotic english voice guides you through the stages of its creation accompanied by a video illustration. Its a bit Stepford wives and a little bit "Listen with Mother" in style - a rather surgical approach to cooking. The thing is - the celeriac puree tasted delicious and Freddie ate it with relish.
Video jug could, if you wanted, run your life for you. As well as recipes, golfing tips and invitations to learn how to give a man-to-man hug, there are probably video guides on how to tie shoelaces, blow your nose and greet an Eskimo. You could rehearse for almost any event in your life through the internet. Now if you thought the GreatBigVegChallenge was a strange internet venture, videojug is in another class of weird.
( Incidentally - please send us your celeriac recipes...)


  1. Anonymous12:28 AM

    I'll be following your progress with celeriac very curiously. I've never tried it before. In fact, I've never even seen it. I've heard of it, but I had to look it up to see what is is like. Unlike Fred, I LOVE vegetables, but celeriac is very uncommon in the US.

  2. Anonymous8:44 AM

    Its a very strange looking creature the Celeriac. It looks like a knobbly, cream-coloured turnip. They can be quite small - the size of a tennis ball or I see the ones we are getting from Holland at the moment are the size of a turnip.
    They taste delicate and are unusual.

  3. Anonymous12:05 PM

    A really simple way of using celeriac is to boil it with potato and then mash them together with a bit of butter and milk. The texture is really creamy and the celeriac adds a good flavour to the sometimes bland potato.

  4. That videojug clip is a riot! Yes, another class of weird.


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